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Why you shouldn't be buying an apple iPhone in India

marc brown
5 years ago


Apple has always been a premium brand, I don’t remember if I have ever seen a budget device coming out from their factory and to be sincere, I have given up on my expectations a long time ago. This post may seem unworthy for people living in USA but for people living in India or any developing country, I had to write this article. This article is about consumer, their rights and things they need to know before spending their hard-earned money over any brand. 

With this, the first question that immediately strikes on my mind is – Is your brand as loyal to you, as you're to them? This is one perplexing question every fan should ask himself before dedicating himself to any particular brand.

There are lot of Apple products that I can talk about but, today, I will be focusing on iPhones only. So, if you are planning to buy an iPhone or you’re an Apple fanboy, this post definitely deserves a look.

Absurd Pricing

I’d like to stress it out here – “Just Double”. Yes, you heard it right. Apple iPhones prices are almost double than their prices in USA. I know, I know, I sound crazy and just to make sure you don’t start throwing something on me, I have got a proof with me.

Did you see? Apple iPhone 11 Pro prices in USA starts at $999 dollars that roughly translates to approximately 75000 INR. Same product in India starts at $1450 Dollars, 99,000INR. Price hiking by 10% or 20% is ok, I can understand, But, more than this sounds totally absurd, moreover if you'll compare upper iPhone versions with satisfying internal storage, price difference is more than 50%.

The latest launched iPhone SE2 seems to be another perfect example. iPhone SE2 costs $399 in USA which translates to 30,500INR, but the same has been priced at 42,500INR in India. A gain in 11,500INR just in the name of import duties and tax for a low-end smartphone, which meant to compete in lower mid-range segment?I won't buy this argument.

And before any self-claimed Apple lawyer come to defend its brand in name of Custom Duty and Taxes. I would like to bring in lights - Samsung India pricing. Samsung pricing scheme is best I have ever seen. They don’t take a penny more in name of customs and taxes. If a phone costs $999 in USA it will cost 70000INR in India. There is a transparency in their pricing. And just for added information S20 series Starts at $599 in India.

Force Upgrades

Its not long time when Apple was sued for slowing their devices. Apple was found guilty and was charged a huge amount as penalty. They were slowing down their old devices they were downclocking them with updates without even asking their end consumer. They said they are doing this to cope up with degrading battery life but this statement isn’t enough to make them right in any possible way I can imagine, as smartphones hardly loose 10% of battery life over a year or two.

No Good In-Box Accessories

Even if you move fine with this article, and you decide to buy an Apple iPhone, you won’t be satisfied my friend. What you’re going to get inside after spending $1550 is an out dated Apple earphone and a super slow fast charger by today’s standard and that’s it. If am correct?

In any case you want to buy their fast charger that you iPhone actually supports. You have to spend another 50$ from your pocket.

Costly Repairs

OK! You bought your iPhone and you are good to go with your in-box turtle charger, and an average earphone but you accidently drop it someday and damaged your screen. Believe me you will not like to visit their service center, they ask up to 50% of original price just to repair a broken screen.

Apple V/S Competition

While Apple pricing is nowhere near budget or mid-range, what you can get with your $500 from Competition is Realme X2 Pro, OnePlus 7T, newly launched Samsung S10 Lite, Note 10 Lite or Asus Rog 2. They are incredible value for money smartphones. 

If you are planning to buy a smartphone anytime soon, you can see our List of “Best budget smartphones of 2020”, the list is up-to-date and includes former flagships or smartphones that offers flagship level performance at a cost under $300 (23000INR) and, if you have got some extra cash to spend I will highly recommend you to check out our recently featured list of “Best Flagship Killers under $700 (50,000INR)”.

My Consideration

If you are a citizen of USA, alright. But, if you're living in India or any other developing country, you definitely need to a revision. You deserve that free fast charger, You deserve a better earphone, you deserve that special offerings with your purchase like you get with other smartphone brands i.e. A Smartwatch at a significant lower price, a wireless Earphone at a negligible additional price like other brands do are some great add on.

But if you are citizen of India, or any developing country. I will strongly recommend you to go for other Brands and get a better value for your money. If you are too rich to stand this, I still have a question for you.

Which company should you be trusting with? That you should be loyal to? And promote because they are providing a better overall value. It’s not only about you, me or anyone but something more and a company who isn’t loyal with your country doesn’t deserve your loyalty. If I’d be you and I had to spend my $1550, I will gladly buy a decent flagship killer to fulfill my daily needs and spend those extra bucks feeding poor children and orphans. 

“BE HUMAN BE WISE” choose to be a “PROUD OWNER” and not some “BRAND OWNER”.


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