Veteran technology company Apple has launched a new MacBook Pro, Airpods 3 and new chipsets at an event. The new MacBook Pro 14-inch and 16-inch models come with the new M1 Pro and M1 Max chipsets. Apart from this, HomePod Mini has also been showcased in new colour options at the event. Apple says that its M1 Pro and M1 Max are much better than products from Intel and AMD.
New MacBook Pro Price
The orders for the new MacBook Pro with M1 Pro and M1 Max have started on October 18. The 14-inch model is available for $1,999, whereas the 16-inch model is priced at $2,499. In India, the 14-inch model is available for Rs 1,94,900 and 16-inch for Rs 1,75,410.
New MacBook Pro Availability
The new MacBook Pro models will be available for order through the Apple India Online Store starting Monday and, the sale is starting from Tuesday. Customers will also have configured-to-order options through the Apple site.
Apple MacBook Pro Specifications
M1 Pro and M1 Max Features
The MacBook Pro series gets upgraded silicon in two different versions- M1 Pro and M1 Max. The M1 Pro chip has a 10-core CPU with eight high-performance cores and two low-performance cores. Along with these, up to 16-core GPU are included. The company claims that the new chip can deliver up to 70 per cent faster CPU performance and two times faster GPU performance than the existing M1 chip. The M1 Pro also includes ProRes Accelerator in the media engine to enhance on-device video processing.
The M1 Max, on the other hand, is said to be the world's most powerful chip for a Pro Notebook. It has the same 10-core CPU as the M1 Pro, but it doubles the GPU to 32 cores to deliver up to four times faster GPU performance.
Both the M1 Pro and M1 Max are paired with a 16-core Neural Engine that helps enhance machine learning capabilities on the new MacBook Pro models. Apple claims that using its new M1 Max chip, professional users can edit up to 30 streams of 4K ProRes video.
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