Jio smartphone will launch on November 4 on Diwali. The price of this smartphone made by the joint effort of Google and Jio will be Rs 6,499. However, this phone can also be purchased in instalments by paying an initial payment of only Rs 1,999. If the users want to buy the phone in 24 months instalment, they will have to pay Rs 300 per month, while on 18 months instalment, the customer will have to pay Rs 350 per month. In the instalment amount, the users will get the facility of calls and 5GB of data. Let us tell you that earlier, this smartphone was to be launched on September 10, i.e., Ganesh Chaturthi, but it could not happen due to lack of chip.
According to the company sources, after India, there is a preparation to launch this phone worldwide. JioPhone Next can be used in 10 languages of the country. Apart from two SIM slots, the new smartphone also has an SD card slot. This card slot will support storage up to 512GB, and the phone will be available at all the retail stores of Jio.
"I am glad that despite the challenges of the supply chain, the team at Google and Jio has been able to bring this device for the festive season. I firmly believe in the power of the digital revolution to enrich, enable and empower the lives of 135 crore Indians. We will further empower Indians through budget smartphone devices", said Mukesh Ambani, Chairman of Reliance Industries.
A Boon for 2G Users!
Not only the phone makers are at risk from Jio's smartphone, but 2G users of Airtel and Vodafone Idea can also join the company for a better experience. According to an estimate, about 300 million users use the 2G service in the country.
Jio will not choose moratorium!
According to the sources, Reliance Jio has informed the DoT that it will not consider the moratorium on payment of spectrum for four years. However, when the company was asked to e-mail its response, no response was received. Let us tell you that both the companies Bharti Airtel and Vodafone Idea have opted for the moratorium.
A rival to Chinese companies!
This phone of Jio can give tough competition to low-cost smartphones made by Chinese companies Xiaomi and BBK Electronics (Realme, Oppo and Vivo). Jio can strengthen its hold in the smartphone business of about Rs 15,000 crores with a price of less than $100 (about Rs 7,500). It is the first time that the option of finance is being made available in the category of entry-level phones.
"To meet the unique needs of India, in association with Jio, we have given features like voice-first feature and language translation in this phone. This device will provide internet access to Indians, said Sundar Pichai, CEO of Alphabet and Google.
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