Apple has been looking to shift its iPhone production in India for quite a while now. Hail to the initiatives like Make in India by the Government of India. But after the United States, President Donald Trump threatens local Companies, addressing Apple to move the manufacture of goods outside China or get ready for an increase in tax, the pace is now at its peak.
Earlier this year, Apple has moved the assembly of iPhone 11 smartphones in India, and yesterday, we have come to know that recently launched iPhone SE2 will be assembling in India by the end of this week. The shift of assembly comes to a piece of good news - Apple iPhone SE price in India is now dropped to 35,999 INR ($484), which in turn is likely to fall even lower by the end of this year.
Those who don't know yet, Apple models - iPhone 6s, iPhone 7, iPhone XR are already assembled locally in India. Apple iPhone 11 and iPhone SE 2020 are the latest additions to this list.
The major benefit to the smartphone manufacturers shifting assembly in a particular country is import duty relaxation. In India, Apple is saving 20% import duties by doing local assembly, which in turn reduces the cost of a smartphone and provide a boost in sales. And since now, This act will be saving Apple from Trump's indignation too it's indeed a smart move. Apple will be moving 20% of total iPhone production from China to India in the near future.
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