The Cybercrime unit of Meerut police has reportedly filed a case against Vivo smartphones India after more than 13,500 Vivo smartphones were found to be using the same IMEI number.
For those who aren't aware, the IMEI number is a 15 digit unique identification number allocated to a smartphone during its manufacturing to give a smartphone its traceable value.
The investigation began when a sub-inspector got his smartphone back after repair from a Vivo service center but noticed that the IMEI number on the smartphone settings is different than what is printed on its retail box. The cyber team at Meerut quickly went into action, and after 5 months of investigation, it was found that as of September 24, 2019, more than 13,500 Vivo smartphones are using the same IMEI number.
According to TRAI (Telecom Regulatory Authority of India, Every smartphone in the country should have a unique IMEI number ( two of them for a dual SIM smartphone), and failure to do so could result in strict legal action, and three years Jail.
Meanwhile, the legal notice has already been issued against the Vivo India's nodal officer Harmanjit Singh Kaur underSection 91 of CrPC. The company is yet to give an official statement regarding the given matter.
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