Redmi India recently confirmed in a tweet that the Redmi Note 10T 5G is being brought to India soon. This information has been received from the company's official website mi.com and Twitter account, where the company has released a teaser about this phone. Fast and Futuristic Coming Soon is written in this teaser. However, the date on which it will be launched has not been given. Amazon has already created a dedicated microsite for this.
The company has said in its tweet that sit comfortably and drink your favorite cuppa because we are coming first with the #FastAndFuturistic smartphone. This tweet redirects users to the microsite, in which the Notify Me button has been given.
Redmi Note 10T 5G Features
According to the teaser, the Redmi Note 10T 5G is similar to its Chinese model. However, there is no information from the company to its specification. The teaser image in the tweet of Redmi India shows the front and back parts of the Redmi Note 10T 5G. The image reveals that the phone will have a rectangular camera module in the top left corner of the phone. Also, on the front, there will be a punch-hole camera in the center for the selfie.
The phone will run on Android 11 based on MIUI 12. Also, it has a 6.5-inch Full HD+ punch-hole display with a pixel resolution of 1080x2400. Its refresh rate is 90Hz, and it will get the power from the MediaTek Dimensity 700 processor coupled with 6GB of RAM. It may feature a 5000 mAh battery and 128GB of internal storage.
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