Realme has already launched two tablets but none of them can be called — even loosely — an iPad rival. But that is going to change. Realme has announced it will launch its first premium tablet, the Realme Pad X, on May 24. The new tablet is excepted to be powered by a Snapdragon 870 chipset and could feature an 8,360mAh battery
The pricing details remain unclear; however, the Realme Pad X may cost Rs 30,000 to rival Xiaomi and Huawei. In India, the Realme Pad’s price starts at Rs 13,999 and goes up to Rs 17,999. The Realme Pad Mini costs Rs 10,999 and goes up to Rs 14,999. The Xiaomi Pad 5 comes with a starting price of Rs 26,999 and goes up to Rs 28,999. If the Realme Pad X launches in India, the company would also Samsung which sell a host of notable Android tablets in the country.
The specifications of the Realme Pad X are not official, but rumors suggest the tablet will come with a 2.5K+ display with a 120Hz refresh rate. That seems better than the 2.5K display that is used on the Xiaomi Pad 5. A high refresh rate also allows for high-end gaming — something its rival Xiaomi Pad 5 is touted to offer — but since we are not familiar with the processor the tablet would use, we are not sure if that would be the case.
The image shows a single rear camera along with AI branding and a front camera on the bezel. Based on the earlier rumors, the tablet will feature a 2.5K+ 120Hz LCD screen and a large 8360mAh battery
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